Advanced API for telematics and fleet management industry

Find out how it works and how much you will earn.

Integrate your telematics with our TACHO•API

Let us show you how it works!
telematics and fleet management

There are only 3 simple steps of the integration

Receive documentation

The scope of work to be done
is easy to estimate

Carry out the integration

Our specialist are always
available for you

Verify the integration

Once all is finished, the product
can be launched into the market

How does it work?

Provide TACHO•API with:

  • DDD digital files
  • Tachograph live data from PIN D8

Display full working time analysis and infringements calculations live.

Show it in your web and mobile apps or in the on-board device.

With just one click in your application, customers will get:

  • 15 highly specialized analytical driver reports depicting all activities with infringements and penalties
  • 4 extensive vehicle activity reports

Benefit from your customers by going premium!

Add the automated analysis of drivers’ working time into your platform and make it a premium analytical tool.

Attract the existing and new customers and get additional profits.

Feel free to contact me
if you need any further information

Michał Skorupa-Kopczyński
Key Account Manager

mobile: +48 697 850 361
e-mail: [email protected]